位置:微思作文网 > 初二作文 > 《少年派的奇幻漂流》英文观后感-有关电影的作文



I watched a film called Life of Pi in this winter holidays.I think that it must be a great film.

Pi is an Indian boy.At first his name is Picine.He doesn’t like this name.So everyone calls him Pi.It meansπ.

Pi’s father had a zoo.There were many animals in it.Pi got on well with these animals.When Pi was 17 years old,his father decided to move his family to Canada.So his whole family went to Canada with some animals by ship.His father wanted to sell these animals for a high price.

On the way to Canada,the ship was broken by the strom.Only Pi and four animals survived on a lifeboat. These animals included a tiger,a zebra,a hyena and an orangutan. The hyena killed the zebra and the orangutan.but it was killed by the tiger. The tiger’s name was Richard Parke.

In the next 227 days Pi and Richard Parke drifted on the ocean.At first they were wary of each other.Pi shared the food with Richard Parke. They experienced storms and passed by the ogre island together.Pi had come to know that Richard Parke also had feelings.At the same time, he believed that the God was looking at him and always blessed him.

At last the lifeship drifted at Mexico. Richard Parke went away without turning his head when they was saved. Pi was very sad.

At last the lifeship drifted at Mexico. Richard Parke went away without turning his head when they was saved. Pi was very sad.

After I watched this film I thought a lot. Can I be calm like Pi if I sail a boat with a tiger?And do you think the god is looking at you anytime?The film also tells me that we must have the courage to face difficulties and got on well with each other.












Life of Pi is a masterful and utterly original novel that is at once the story of a young castaway who faces immeasurable hardships on the high seas, and a meditation on religion, faith, art and life that is as witty as it is profound. Using the threads of all of our best stories, Yann Martel has woven a glorious spiritual adventure that makes us question what it means to be alive, and to believe.

Growing up in Pondicherry, India, Piscine Molitor Patel - known as Pi - has a rich life. Bookish by nature, young Pi acquires a broad knowledge of not only the great religious texts but of all literature, and has a great curiosity about how the world works. His family runs the local zoo, and he spends many of his days among goats, hippos, swans, and bears, developing his own theories about the nature of animals and how human nature conforms to it. Pi’s family life is quite happy, even though his brother picks on him and his parents aren’t quite sure how to accept his decision to simultaneously embrace and practise three religions - Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam.

But despite the lush and nurturing variety of Pi’s world, there are broad political changes afoot in India, and when Pi is sixteen, his parents decide that the family needs to escape to a better life. Choosing to move to Canada, they close the zoo, pack their belongings, and board a Japanese cargo ship called the Tsimtsum. Travelling with them are many of their animals, bound for zoos in North America. However, they have only just begun their journey when the ship sinks, taking the dreams of the Patel family down with it. Only Pi survives, cast adrift in a lifeboat with the unlikeliest oftravelling companions: a zebra, an orang-utan, a hyena, and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

Thus begins Pi Patel’s epic, 227-day voyage across the Pacific, and the powerful story of faith and survival at the heart of Life of Pi. Worn and scared, oscillating between hope and despair, Pi is witness to the playing out of the food chain, quite aware of his new position within it. When only the tiger is left of the seafaring menagerie, Pi realizes that his survival depends on his ability to assert his own will, and sets upon a grand and ordered scheme to keep from being Richard Parker’s next meal.

As Yann Martel has said in one interview, “The theme of this novel can be summarized in three lines. Life is a story. You can choose your story. And a story with an imaginative overlay is the better story.” And for Martel, the greatest imaginative overlay is religion. “God is a shorthand for anything that is beyond the material - any greater pattern of meaning.” In Life of Pi, the question of stories, and of what stories to believe, is front and center from the beginning, when the author tells us how he was led to Pi Patel and to this novel: in an Indian coffee house, a gentleman told him, “I have a story that will make you believe in God.” And as this novel comes to its brilliant conclusion, Pi shows us that the story with the imaginative overlay is also the story that contains the most truth.





正如Yann Martel在一次采访中说的,“这部小说的主题可以概括为三行。生活是一个故事。你可以选择你的故事。对马特尔来说,最具想象力的故事是宗教。“上帝是超越物质的任何东西的速记——任何更大的意义模式。”《皮的生活》中,故事的问题以及相信什么故事的问题,从一开始就是最前沿和中心的,当作者告诉我们他是如何被带到皮·帕特尔和这本小说的:在印度的咖啡馆里,一位绅士告诉他,“我有一个故事。”当这部小说得出辉煌的结论时,Pi告诉我们,具有想象力的故事也是包含最真实的故事。





Life of Pi emerged as a critical and commercial success, earning about $600 million worldwide. It was nominated for three Golden Globe Awards which included the Best Picture – Drama and the Best Director and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score. At the 85th Academy Awards it had eleven nominations, including Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay, and won four (the most for the event) including Best Director for Ang Lee. The story involves the 227 days that its teenage hero spent drifting across the Pacific in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. They found themselves in the same boat after an amusing and colorful prologue, which itself could have been enlarged into an exciting family film. Then it expanded into a parable of survival, acceptance and adaptation.

Pi was born in India .He believed in Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism at the same time. As the son of a zookeeper, Pi had a special knowledge of animal behavior and a


fervent love of stories. When Pi was sixteen, his family emigrated from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo animals bound for new homes.

The ship sank. Pi’s family members all died. He luckily fell on the lifeboat and survived, with his only companions a hyena, a gorilla, a wounded zebra, and Richard Parker, a Bengal tiger.

In the first 3 days, the hyena killed and ate the gorilla and zebra. And then the tiger killed the hyena. Pi knew that he can't beat Richard, so he made the final choice to get along with Richard in the face of drift life. In the 7 months, he collected water, fish and shrimp, and used all the sea survival skills to feed the tiger, as well as to let himself down. Soon the tiger had dispatched all but Pi, whose fear, knowledge, and smartness allowed him to coexist with Richard Parker for 227 days while lost at sea. When they finally reached the coast of Mexico, Richard Parker fled to the jungle, never to be seen again.

Of course, the drift also encountered storm, sharks and a variety of exciting and and bloody scenes. After a short stay in the cannibal island, Pi left with the tiger in panic and began drifting again until he was rescued in Mexico beach. At the same time, the tiger Richard turned to the forest and disappeared without looking back.

The story had a few good shots that I cannot forget. For the purpose to let Pi recognize that the tigers are brutal, Pi’s father put weak animals in a tiger cage, letting pi saw the bloody scene. It was cruel, but it is the rule of survival. When Pi asked the gorilla where its children had gone, we can easily tell the deep sorrow inside its eyes. It’s the deep mother love. Pi and Richard Parker both looked at sea water when there were only


they two left on the boat. We don’t know what Richard Parker saw, but Pi must have seen his dead parents and his animal friends. We could imagine Richard Parker saw the forest where it was caught by hunters at early age. It once had home and loved ones and it was missing all these at the moment.

If the movie stops here, we will just regard it as an fantasy movie with dazzling visual effects like Avatar .But Ang Lee is always beyond our expectation.

The truth is:

Pi told us two stories. One was about the drift between the young man and the tiger. The other one was what the novelist concluded that the cook killed and ate the seaman, then killed Pi’s mother, eventually Pi killed and ate the cook. The grown Pi didn’t declare against the conclusion. Instead, he just asked the novelist which story he liked. Grown Pi said the novelist believed in god after he got the answer.

The two stories have one thing in common: in the end only Pi survived. But looking back the reciprocating scenes and all details, it’s not hard to find the truth that the first story is the metaphor of the reality and the second one is the reality. 1. All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.

2. Pi: “Religion is a house with many rooms.” Writer: “But no room for doubt?”Pi: “Oh yes! On every floor.”

3. I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life.


4. If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we are truly experiencing what life is offering... 1. Life is a story about belief and courage

Life of Pi, according to Yann Martel, the author of the novel, can be summarized in three statements: "Life is a story... You can choose your story... A story with god is the better story." A recurring theme throughout the film seems to be believability. Pi at the end of the film asks the two investigators "If you stumble at mere believability, what are you living for?" According to Gordon Houser there are two main themes of the film: "that all life is interdependent, and that we live and breathe via belief." Some people have described the story as one of "personal growth through adversity." The main character learnt that "tigers are dangerous" at a young age when his father forced him to watch the zoo's Royal Bengal tiger ate a live goat. Later, after the shipwreck, he spent 7 months with the tiger on the lifeboat, faced with many difficulties. During this hard experience, he tried all he can to survive and to get on well with the tiger. Pi developed "alpha" qualities as he mustered the strength, will and skills that he needed to survive.

Life is a travel of defeating animal desire.

Pi gave the answer to the question “Live as a monster or die as a good man?” Can something brutal and something spiritualist coexist with each other? The answer in Guardisland is to ruin one’s soul to prevent his/her animal desire. Animal desire and soul


go to ruin together. Great Gun told us that soul can defeat animal desire. But Pi seems like to choose to be a good guy in life whose heart is protected by animals. Thank god for giving soul to me, thank animal desire for enriching my soul.

In Brokeback Mountain , a phrase became popular because of Ang Lee: there is a Brokeback Mountain in everyone’s heart, in Life of Pi, it can be replaced by that there is a tiger in everyone’s heart.

I was flying in the sea , there was a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker inside me.
















